As an overview, we’re going to start slow and easy, and develop our cardiovascular systems over time.
For some, you’ll combine slow jogging and walking. Others may jog for the entire duration of our sessions. Always remember, it doesn’t matter where you are when we start – You Will Improve!
Some may have been active longer than others recently. All that matters is that we are improving, individually - this group is designed to be a structure way to get additional cardiovascular exercise in each week, and if you want to do a 5K, you’ll be ready in a couple of months.
If you want to then work toward a 10K, you’ll be ready a couple of months after the 5K. And of course those who want to continue on with a half marathon and then the full Flying Pig marathon next May will have the opportunity.
Things to keep in mind:
- If you have a history of foot, ankle, knee or back pain, please let your doctor know what you are doing. We’re going to train in a way that minimizes pre-existing injury and that starts with speaking to your doctor (if appropriate). If at any time something hurts, stop immediately and let Leah and me know.
- Go at your own pace. You’ve heard me say this before, but always remember to go at a pace that is comfortable for you. Slower is always better in preparing for long distance cardiovascular exercise or running! If you go too hard at the start, often you have too little energy to make it to the end.
- Get fitted for very good running shoes! You don’t have to go out tonight, but within the next 2 weeks you’ll need to have a pair of running shoes that are dedicated for running alone. Go to Bob Ronckers and have them fit your foot. Every foot is unique and Bob Roncker’s Running Spot will ensure you get the proper footwear. I have a $10 off coupon for you – just ask me or Leah for the coupon. Proper footwear is critical!
- You’ll need a sports watch. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we’ll train for a period of time. And since everyone is going at their own pace, you’ll need a watch to tell you when it’s time to head back in. To start we’ll be going for 20 minutes. When you're close to the 10 minute mark, it’ll be time for you to retrace your steps back to your starting location. All you'll need to spend is $10. Click here for sports watch options at Target!
For those in Cincinnati, we’ll be meeting at Crossroads Church at 5:30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an individualized-paced combination of walking/jogging or easy jog for a given time period.
Then on Saturday mornings we’ll meet at the HealthStyle Fitness Studio at 7am for a distance walk/jog or run. And, each week we’ll slowly progress and build upon the previous week. In the first few weeks of training, plan on 20 – 30 minutes of training time for each session.
If you cannot participate in Tue/Thu/Sat group session, you can follow the plan on your own. Each week I will be emailing the training routine to everyone in the group – so you can follow it on your own or join us for any of the group sessions as your schedule allows.
Training Schedule – Week One
Tuesday - Run (or walk/jog) 20 min
Thursday - Run (or walk/jog) 20 min
Saturday - 2 miles (walk/jog)
Sunday - Rest
Additional Notes of Importance:
- Drink plenty of water prior to starting.
- By alternating walking and running from the beginning, you speed recovery without losing any of the endurance effect of a long run. Start with jogging one to two minutes and walking two to three minutes. As your cardiovascular fitness increases you can adjust your run/walk ratio to running 5 minutes/walking one minute. You WILL improve using this system!
- Be sure to do the running portion slow enough at the beginning of every run (especially the longer runs) so that you'll feel tired but strong at the end. The conservatism will allow you to recover faster.
- If you body needs a break from “pounding on the pavement” you can substitute non-impact cardio exercise, like an elliptical machine or biking, as needed.
- Stay conversational on all of your training sessions for now. This means that you should be exerting yourself at a low enough level that you could talk. It's okay to take deep breaths between sentences, but you don't want to "huff and puff" between every word.
- As the runs get longer, be sure to keep your blood sugar boosted by consuming a meal replacement shake (or equivalent) about an hour before exercise. Drink water continuously before and during exercise and with all food.
Above all, be a smart runner...and have fun!!
Your friend in fitness,
HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105