Friday, June 26, 2009

We're 2 Weeks Away from the 5K!!

This week’s running update will be short and sweet – with the storms overnight we’re busy working on getting our phone system back up and running, and my wife, daughter and I are flying out to see her parents in a few minutes.

So here we go...

For the balance of our preparation for the 5K on July 11th we're going to keep our timed runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 30 minutes. We will, however, continue to add a little more distance for next Saturday’s run.

Below is our schedule for next week...

Monday – Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)

Tuesday - Run 30 min

Wednesday – Strength Training or Cross-training

Thursday - Run 30 min

Friday - Strength Training or Cross-training

Saturday - 3.30 miles

Sunday – Rest

If you need to access any of the previous emails you can go to the archives at

Also, a couple of runners in the group were asking about my Garmin Running Computer – I love it!! Leah, Claire, and a few others have one. It’s really the coolest training partner, aside from a good running buddy helping you through a challenging run, that I’ve ever found.

More information on the Garmin can be found here:

Now, if you decide to purchase a Garmin, Costco has them online at half price!! Use this link:

I use mine every time I run…and while I’m in South Carolina it’ll help me get back to my in-laws house in the event I cannot remember the way back home (but the training data it gives you is even more impressive).

A must have for those continuing on with the running group after the 5K!

Okay, Leah is looking forward to seeing you at 7am tomorrow morning here at our studio for the 3 mile run!!

I’ll be back Tuesday afternoon, and will be running with everyone Thursday morning – see you then!!

Keep up the great training and have an awesome weekend!

Your friend in fitness,

Brian Calkins

HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105

Friday, June 19, 2009

Next Week's Running Schedule....

Okay, so how are you feeling now that we have almost 4 weeks of running behind us??

As we move closer to our first official event, the 5K, we are now training at just about the distance we'll complete on July 11th (5K = 3.1 miles). And over the coming weeks we'll go just a bit beyond the 5K distance.

For those continuing on to train for the 10K (on Labor Day), the Saturday runs will become our "long runs" and the Tuesday/Thursday runs will be for a shorter time period (30 - 40 minutes).

Below is our schedule for the week...along with some important information about cross-training to minimize injury and maximize your performance.

Monday – Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)
Tuesday - Run 30 min
Wednesday - Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)
Thursday - Run 30 min
Friday - Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)
Saturday - 3.00 miles
Sunday - Rest

Cross Training Benefits!

Overall strength and fitness improvement. Cross-training can help you reach a higher level of overall fitness, and is considered complementary to running. Many runners suffer in the latter stages of a race because they lack upper body strength. So many runners focus just on their legs and running muscles (if they do any strength training at all) that they often neglect arms, shoulders, back, and core. No one sport can work all the muscles equally, but by adding other activities to your training, you can optimize your whole-body conditioning. We talked about the critical importance of strength training in a previous email (

Increased aerobic conditioning. Cross-training can maintain and/or improve your overall cardiovascular endurance. Cross-training activities develop and strengthen muscles that running doesn't work. You may have to work relatively hard to get the same aerobic workout that running provides, but doing intervals (combining hard/easy alternating intensity levels) will definitely provide the needed intensity level.

Injury prevention and recovery. Many runners have used cross-training when they have been injured because they are forced to do so if they want to continue exercising (including yours truly when I had a stress fracture in my hip). However, if you cross-train when you are not injured, it could prevent future injury. Cross-training allows you to rest one set of muscles while working another group, and low-impact training gives the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments a needed rest from the stress of running.

Balance and variety. Any athlete who is one-dimensional is at a disadvantage among those who practice more than one activity. As you strengthen non-running muscles, a more balanced overall level of fitness results. And although you may love running, variety helps prevent boredom and increases your appreciation for running. Cross-training keeps you fresh mentally and physically and teaches you about your strengths and weaknesses. It helps increase your confidence and helps you improve as a runner.

Cross-training is especially beneficial as we age as we need more recovery time after longer, harder running session. Cross-training allows us to engage in active recovery - still exercising, but not stressing the same muscles day after day. Most importantly, utilize cross-training when you feel your body needs a break from the pounding...The take away? Make sure you’re doing strength training at least twice per week (working all the muscles of your body), and if your body is feeling “beat-up” (achy knees, shins, hips, etc), a session or two on the elliptical machine (or other non-impact cardio) goes a long way to keep your training moving forward, while reducing the stress on your body.

Okay, I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning here at the studio for our 2.75 mile run!!

Your friend in fitness,

Brian Calkins

HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105

Friday, June 12, 2009

Next Week's Running Schedule...

Wow, it's hard to believe we start our fourth week of running on Monday!!

We are now 4 weeks away from our first major milestone of completing a 5K, or approximately 3.1 miles, (on July 11, click here for a Flyer). Our training next week is getting us very close to the 5K distance...

Below is our schedule for the week...along with info on proper footwear to maximize your performance while minimizing your injury risk.

Monday – Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)

Tuesday – Run/Jog/Walk 28 min

Wednesday - Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)

Thursday - Run/Jog/Walk 28 min

Friday - Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)

Saturday - Run/Jog/Walk 2.75 miles

Sunday – Rest

A Note About Proper Footwear…

Often overlooked by runners in training is the importance of proper footwear. Think of the human body as a complex, physiological machine that if properly equipped, can accomplish some amazing things. And the "machine's" primary contact with another object when running occurs with the foot hitting the ground. The action and reaction of running occurs at this point of contact, with the ground putting a stress on the foot at every stride. (Remember, that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.)

So, since we're mostly running on evenly paved surfaces, you are going to want to find a shoe that provides both comfort and shock absorption. When in doubt, go with the most cushioning as this softens the blow to your body on each stride and reduces your chances for injury (including shin splints, achy knees, etc). It's also important to remember the fact that with proper form, the ball of the foot will absorb the brunt of the body's impact with the ground, putting an intense amount of stress on the foot as essentially an area of a few square inches bears most of your body weight.

One last thing. The idea of striking the ground with the ball of your foot should not be taken 100% literally. However, it is a great concept to focus on during our runs as to avoid the pitfalls associated with flat-footed or toe running, and the closer you can be to striking with the ball of the foot the better off your running will be.

If you have concerns about your running shoes, or develop foot pain or shin splints, have your feet properly fitted at a running store – they’re the experts in finding the right shoe for your foot! Here in Cincinnati, I recommend Bob Roncker’s Running spot:

Okay, for those in Cincinnati, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at 7am for 2.5 miles!!

Your friend in fitness,

Brian Calkins

HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105

Friday, June 5, 2009

Next Week's Running Schedule...

Below is next week’s (starting June 8th) running schedule as well as some critical information about the importance of strength training to enhance your running and protect your body.

Here’s the week three schedule:

Monday – Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)

Tuesday – Run/Jog/Walk 25 min

Wednesday - Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)

Thursday - Run/Jog/Walk 25 min

Friday - Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)

Saturday - Run/Jog/Walk 2.50 miles

Sunday – Rest

The Critical Importance of Strength Training for Runners

Strength Training is a foundational component of a comprehensive running training program. Here are the importance and benefits to a properly designed strength training program:

Injury Prevention:

  • Injury rates among runners can be extremely high (at the high school level, cross-country runners experience more injuries than athletes in any other sport, including football and gymnastics).
  • One of the most effective means for minimizing tissue trauma associated with distance running is to develop stronger muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments and bones. This is the primary reason that every runner should perform regular strength exercise.
  • Contributes to prevention of shin splits, stress fractures, lower back discomfort, knee problems and hip injuries common to distance runners.

Performance enhancement:

  • Allows runners to adhere to a training schedule and thereby maximize performance.
  • Improved muscle strength/endurance.
  • Improved joint flexibility.
  • Increased force/power production.
  • Improved running economy - research indicates 4 percent less oxygen used at sub-maximum running speeds. Translation: you don’t have to run as hard to go faster.
  • Increased basal metabolic rate contributing to improved fat loss & body composition.

Here’s some basic running facts, from a human movement point of view:

  • Running occurs one leg at a time. This is the primary reason we do a lot of single leg work in boot camp, and in our Total Fitness Makeover classes.
  • Running is a game of GROUND reaction.
  • Running is made possible by the body’s structural and neuromuscular CROSS-WIRING of the shoulders and hips; we run shoulder to opposite hip.
  • Running speed = stride length x stride frequency.
  • Stride length is the dominant factor in running speed.
  • Stride length is a function of strength, power and flexibility.
  • Running efficiency is the great equalizer; less VO2 needed to run faster. Again, you don’t have to run as hard to go faster.
  • Collectively, stability and balance are the guiding system of the power needed for a longer stride length.
  • We run from our bellybuttons out (i.e. from the inside out) – not from the bottom up.
  • The core of the body is “command central” during all human movement, especially running.
  • The CORE controls the rotational mechanics between the upper and lower extremities (running efficiency and stride frequency) and the force production of the lower body (stride length).

With that in mind, we must train the body in a way that enhances the basic movement patterns of running. These include:

  • Incorporate single leg training (e.g. the Bulgarian Split Squat or Super Skaters, one leg stiff-legged dead-lifts, step ups, etc).
  • Train predominantly in a standing position.
  • Train in diagonal patterns – opposite hip to opposite shoulder – just like we run (Diagonal Power Chops, bicycle crunches).
  • Emphasize the transverse (i.e. rotational) plane of motion – it dominates running. (Bicycle Crunches, Russian Twists, Reach Arounds, and other resistance running exercises like the partner band run).
  • Focus on “pulling,” not “stomping” power for improved stride length (the Partner Manual-resistance Hamstring, Stiff-legged Dead-lift, Reverse Leg Raise, Glute Raise).
  • Focus on foot-plant balance and stability to minimize “power leaks” at foot plant (again, the Bulgarian Split Squat or Super Skater).
  • Focus on power and metabolic conditioning (Think Suicides & Partner Resistance Band Runs here!!)
  • Focus on initiating and controlling running from the core of the body downward.

What does this all mean?

It means an increase in core strength and a longer, more efficient stride length! These exercises allow you to become a healthier runner, free from injury while improving your performance and provide single leg power, stability and balance.

Don't underestimate the importance of strengthening your muscles for significant running improvement.

For those of you in Adventure Boot Camp, or working in the studio, or performing the above exercises on a regular basis, all of your strength training needs for maximal running benefit are sufficiently being met.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at 7am (here at the studio) for 2.25 miles and a successful completion of week 2!

Your friend in fitness,

Brian Calkins

HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105

Monday, June 1, 2009

This Week's Running

Congratulations on completing week one of running!!

So, how are you feeling after week one's training? Did you surprise yourself with how much you can actually do? You nearly knocked out 6 miles in total last week, if you trained all 3 days.

We are just about 6 weeks away from our first major milestone of completing a 5K, or approximately 3.1 miles, (on July 11, click here for a Flyer). For those of you who completed 2 miles this past Saturday, you can see that a 5K is only one additional mile. And with 6 more weeks of preparation, you’ll easily be able to complete it. Between now and then your endurance and pace will significantly improve.

Remember, the best method to prepare for any distance of running is the combination of slow paced jogging and walking. Walking is just part of the process. Many people assume they will be able to run two miles from the start, and that it is somehow embarrassing to stop and walk. Wrong! It’s the absolute most beneficial & effective way to improve. So, walk when you need to walk…and then pick back up with a slow jog when you’re ready.

It’s also not necessary to worry about speed. In the beginning, newer runners should jog slowly enough to maintain a conversation. The key is not to run out of breath, and as a result, out of motivation. There will be room for increasing speed in the future. For now, we should focus on completing the time & distance goal of each week…increased pace will come.

Here’s the week two schedule:

Monday – Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)
Tuesday - Run 23 min
Wednesday - Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)
Thursday - Run 23 min
Friday - Adventure Boot Camp (or strength training)
Saturday - 2.25 milesSunday – Rest

Also Remember:

Drink plenty of water prior to your training runs.

If your body needs a break from “pounding on the pavement” you can substitute non-impact cardio exercise, like an elliptical machine or biking, as needed.
As the runs get longer, be sure to keep your blood sugar boosted by consuming a meal replacement shake (or equivalent) about 30 – 60 minutes before exercise. Drink water before and immediately after each run, and with all food.

As always, please let Leah or me know if you experience any unusual aches or pains as we progress. You can reach Leah at 513-515-6632 or

We'll see you at Crossroads on Tuesday and Thursday, then back at the HealthStyle Fitness studio on Saturday!

Your friend in fitness,

Brian Calkins

HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105