We've done a great job as a group preparing for tomorrow's Fairfax 5K...and it’s been a lot of fun watching you progress over the past many weeks of training.
Enjoy the event tomorrow - go "all out" just to see how much you've progressed over the past 7 weeks of running. And of course, "all out" means go at your top pace, wherever that is for you.
After tomorrow's event, we move right into training for the Mercy Metric 10K Run on Monday, September 7 at Lunken Airport. We are 8 weeks away from this next milestone.
As we look beyond the 10K, for those continuing on for the half marathon, we are just about 13 weeks away, and thus the long runs on Saturdays will continue to become longer.
In just a couple of weeks we’ll be into the 5-6 mile range.
As we get closer to the half marathon, it will be very important that our volume of running and cross training allows for 6 days per week of training. If you are an active boot camper, your Monday, Wednesday and Friday boot camp training will be your cardio conditioning (as well as your strength training).
If you are not an active boot camper and are training for the half marathon, you’ll want to make sure you are doing some type of heart elevating cardio AND strength training work on M-W-F to protect your body with the increase in mileage, in addition to the group runs on T-TH-S.
Here’s our schedule for next week:
Monday - Adventure Boot Camp
Tuesday - Run 35 min
Wednesday - Adventure Boot Camp
Thursday - Run 35 min
Friday - Adventure Boot Camp
Saturday - 4 Miles
Sunday - Rest
For those that are only signed up for the running group through the 5K tomorrow, congratulations for your efforts, and thank you for being a part of the crew these past 7 weeks.
For those continuing on, we've got a lot of fun, and a bunch of miles in front of us!!Also, if you're interested in fresh routes, please email Leah at leahosgood@yahoo.com and she'll come up with some new running paths.
See many of you here at the studio tomorrow morning, no later than 7:50am as we head over to the Fairfax 5K!
Your friend in fitness,
Brian Calkins
HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105 www.CincinnatiFitness.com