Friday, November 13, 2009

Tomorrow's Run and Holiday Running Schedule...

Holiday Running Schedule...

Once again congratulations to everyone who completed either the Columbus or Indy Half recently!!

And many of you have expressed continuing to run between now and the official start of our Flying Pig Training, which I think is a GREAT idea!!

We have essentially 6 weeks of training before the Pig training, which begins on December 28th.

The primary purpose of our "Holiday" schedule will be to maintain what you've work hard to develop. And you can even improve over these 6 weeks!

For those who haven't been running as consistently, these 6 weeks are a perfect opportunity to re-establish a foundation for the Flying Pig training. And, all distances are modifiable - so if 6 mile is more appropriate for you, you don't have to run 8 for example.

One thing you want to be careful with is taking off too much time between now and December 28th, as the Pig training might be too aggressive for you. We'll be starting in the 13/14 mile range for our long runs on Saturdays. So, please be prepared for those distances.

If you've recently completed a Half, you're ready now, so all you have to do is maintain that for now by running consistently.

Here is the 6-week Holiday Running Schedule!

Also, Leah and I would like to invite you to a special "Burn The Bird" boot camp workout on Friday, November 27th to help you burn up all those Thanksgiving Day calories!!

You'll be meeting Leah, Annie and Leigh at 8am at the Crossroads parking lot for 75 minutes of heart thumping, fat melting, muscle toning, calorie blasting boot camp fun!! Click here for directions!

What a perfect way to rev up your energy for any shopping you might do on Black Friday...and keep you on target after the Thanksgiving feast! I would love to join you, but I'll be in South Carolina with my family.

And finally, here is the Flying Pig Training roster - please let Leah or me know if you have registered, but are not on this list:

Kathleen Steele
Claire Aberasturi
Anne Pond
sherry wilson
Alison Rice
Stacy Armstrong
Allison Matheny
Jessica Hughes
Danielle Becker
Liz Becker
Danielle Lewis

And if you'd like to upgrate your running group training, you can use this link for $49. This will give you access to the Holiday running and 18 week Flying Pig training.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at the studio for an 8 mile slow run!

Your friend in fitness,

Brian Calkins

HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105