Monday, February 2, 2009

Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon Training - Week 6

I was humbled on Thursday last week. I ran intervals with Ingrid and she flat out dusted me from the third one on...

When she runs, she actually floats like a butterfly. You can't even hear her shoes hitting the pavement. Thanks so much Ingrid - I feel so good about myself now!! ;)

Here's the good news for this week - we've got a relatively short run on Saturday - just 10 miles. Wow, we're making some great progress when we call 10 miles a short run!!

Here’s the schedule for week 6…

Monday: Cross-training day.

Tuesday: Another easy 4 miles recovery run. Always remember, Tuesdays are good days for some other form of cardio to ease the stress on the knees, shins, low back, feet or anywhere else.

Wednesday: Another cross-training day.

Thursday: We’re doing 7 miles at race pace (up one mile from the last pace run). Race Pace is the pace you plan to run in the Pig. If you're training for a 4:00 marathon, your average pace per mile is 9:09. Pace runs are not only an important part of stretching our fitness level, but a great tool to develop your stride and cadence in knowing how fast you are going on race day.

Friday: Another cross-training day.

Saturday: Yee-haaa, 10 miles today at a comfortable pace. Go slow, this is a recovery week. You definitely want to make sure you're fully recovered as the following Saturday we hit 18 miles.

Sunday: Rest!

The full 18 week running schedule is here!

Have a great week of running!!

Your friend in fitness!
Brian Calkins

HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105

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