Monday, February 16, 2009

This Week's Running

Nice job on completing 18 miles over the weekend. Empowering, huh!?

We're now into week 8. Below is our schedule...

Monday: Cross-training day.

Tuesday: This will be our final easy 4 mile recovery run - starting next week, and for the balance of our training, we'll go 5 easy miles on Tuesdays. Remember, slow and easy - allow your body the low intensity it needs for recovery.

Wednesday: Another cross-training day. Make sure you're strengthening your legs and core to support you for another increase in mileage on Saturday.

Thursday: Our third of five Yasso training runs on a track. As a reminder, we're running twice around the track (800 meters) for X number of minutes (4 minutes if you're shooting for a 4 hour marathon, 4 minutes, 30 seconds if you're striving for a 4:30 marathon, etc). Between the 800's, jog slow (to recover) for the same number of minutes it took you to run your repeats. On Thursday will do 8 intervals of 800 meters.

Side note for those in Oakley: Leigh and I will be doing our long run on Thursday (in lieu of Saturday) as we're out of town at a conference and won't be able to do a long run this weekend.

Friday: Another cross-training day.

Saturday: 19 miles baby! Go at a comfortable pace. Go slow, walk when you need to walk. The most important thing today is to cover the distance, not your pace.


The full 18 week running schedule is here!

I'm giving a talk tomorrow morning, so I won't see you after camp. Enjoy your run!!

Your friend in fitness!

Brian Calkins

HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105

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