Monday, April 6, 2009

Your Final Big Training Week...

One more big week then we taper down. All of the runners I've talked with over the past week are tired and feeling beat up. Likely you're feeling it too - remember, you're doing A LOT of miles, well beyond what you've ever done before. Hang in there - you're so close! Next week you'll start to recover.

Okay, so here's the game plan for this week:

Monday: Cross-training day. In the books.

Tuesday: 5 mile recovery run. Go easy.

Wednesday: Another cross-training day. Done.

Thursday: Thursday: 10 miles at marathon pace. You can use the running calculator to determine your per mile pace here:

Friday: Another cross-training day.

Saturday: Up to 24 miles! But here's the deal. You have to listen to your body - if you need to walk part of this long run, then walk. Now is NOT the time to let the ego take over. If you're feeling exhausted, excessive joint pain or discomfort in a muscle/connective tissue, modify your pace or distance. The most important thing is to get to the 20 or so mile mark, see how you feel, and then proceed accordingly. Be smart this weekend.The taper that follows next week will allow most aches and pains to go away, and will give your energy systems a chance to recuperate in time for the Pig.


The full 18 week running schedule is here!

Keep at it, this is your final big training week!!

Your friend in fitness,

Brian Calkins

HealthStyle Fitness, Inc. 4325 Red Bank Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-407-4665, x-105

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